Monday, July 14, 2008

Carey Magazine

Today was just an ordinary day, until I picked up a copy of Carey Magazine (intended for alumni) in the Post Office. The president drolls on about his 'exiciting experience' on a trip to London, England with the freshmen honors students and how the most exciting part of the trip for the students was Evensong at Westminister Abbey. In fact, this writer has an inside source which reveals that most of the students and many of the others present were asleep during the service - incuding his highness the great monarch.
On the second page in the bottom left-hand corner there is a picture of the president performing the Hitler salute to who we know not - probably the university's donors (he loves them). This blogger believes that el presidente is somewhat comparable to Charles I of England. To avoid tuition rasies (new taxes and parliaments) donors are solicited through the selling of names on buildings (just like Knight's fees - the fees levied on those who were knighted by the King). He even mentions that he will sell "naming opportunities" for the new college of osteopathic medicine. I wonder when he'll start imposing ship duties on us?

A falsehood is perpetrated on page eight where the writer of the article purports that the Carey Lectern as used for scripture reading during Evensong - those who were there report that the lectern was not used at all, in fact it was dusty and would have stained the robes of the good high church Anglicans who didn't use it.
In other news, the president reports that the University is still recovering from Katrina. I guess this is just another example of 'post Katrina corruption,' as one proffesor put it.

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