Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lewdness afoot

Hello fellow bloggers - it has been some time since my lasat post, please forgive me for my tardiness. I have not failed to post for the lack of propper gossip/news, rather, my life has been rather busy of late.

Anyway, I entered the lobby of my building today to a rather surprising scene. I found therein a certain resident assistant (one who the catalogue, as well as much university propaganda, describes as a 'model citizen') and his female companion engaging in lewd behavior of the sort most often found at public universities.

While I would certainly not call the bahvior innappropriate, as I have a quite liberal view of what qualifies for that category, I would suggest that the character of the female in question might be impuned by the action then taking place. For you see, the female in question is one who is quite well thought of on this campus. Highly regarded for her beauty (foremost) and her intelligence, she has almost won several pageants, which in this blogger's opinion she should have. Certainly, many individuals would change their opinion of her if they had happened upon what I did.

The point of this short bit is not to point out character flaws in any individual. Instead, I think that this instance serves as an example of how the expectations of modern christianity are in many ways flawed. Modern christianity, as it is practiced on this campus, demands a complete restriction of the sexual self and a concentration of that self into some other category.

However, the flaw in this thinking is the assumption that christians are somehow above other humans, perhaps even unaffected by the very natural laws which God used to bring about their existence. While I certainly would not advocate the open attitude toward sexuality that naturalistic and pagan religions take, I think there is some value in seeing the world from their perspective. By and large, (I am making a drastic summary of their beliefs/practices) individuals in these religions take a loose view of sexuality and may, in fact, have many sexual partners during their younger years. As time progresses, they tend toward monogamy and eventually go through a rite they call handfasting (marriage).

This progression allows one to 'sow wild oats' in the younger years. What is notably different in these societies is that they rarely exist in the type of world we live in which is driven toward success. In modern society, Judeo-Christian principles are not, I argue, the driving force behind monogamy and prohibitions on pre-marital sex. The new driving force is the desire to be succesful. As a simple matter of fact, women cannot be succesful if they have children early in life. Therefore, it is capitalism not christianity that drives/has driven the prohibitions on pre-marital sex.

This is also seen through the use of preganacy prevention devices and abortions. Simply put, sex has gotten safer from an economic standpoint. Its ill effects are easily prevented and if not prevented reversed. However, in an area that remains undereducated about these tools of prevention and deletion, the hardships brought about by pre-marital relations remain stark and clear.

I eagerly await your comments.


TinyKing said...

I'm not sure what kind of lewdness you saw here on campus, and I don't really care. I've seen enough double standards and hypocrisy on campus not to let that bother me. However, I'm not so sure I agree with your assessment of 'modern' Christianity. Your flaw was stated that Christians are somehow thought to be 'above' other humans. This is untrue. The deal is that Christianity desires for its followers to pursue a higher standard, to become more like Christ.

Its not that Christians can't express sexuality. It's that Christians must pursue purity in the way described by Christ. This means participation in a monogamous relationship and should, traditionally, end in marriage. What this doesn't mean is if I'm in that sort of relationship, I can act 'lewdly' with my partner in public. That provides a stumbling block for others.

Do I kiss my fiance in public? Do we hold hands? Hug? Sit close together? Yes to all. But I don't believe any of that is lewd.

You're right about modern society. It's motivation for banning pre-marital sex and desire for monogamy is not from a Judeo-Christian perspective, at least not anymore.

Thanks for provoking interesting thoughts!


I like your assesment of my arguments. Perhaps I am too hard on christianity, but we can agree that the motivations of modern society no longer seem to stem from the Judeo-Christian tradition. Thanks for the comment.